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Getting All In A Lather

The Soap Girls

22.7.2023 - Arches Venue, Coventry

Outrageous costumes, grunge punk pop and delightful vocals .. we get ourselves all in a lather about the Soap Girls. I heard the music from these girls from South Africa and as they were playing locally, purchased a couple of tickets, not knowing too much about them – and the look / feel that they behold … then I checked them out on the usual socials … Holy &$£* !!

I never quite expected that – but the images I could get – well? .. this could be a bonus indeed.

Their stage presence is nothing I have seen before – energetic, loud and down right couldn’t give a damn about what the audience thought .. they were having a blast !! ..

to quote wiki

“The Soap Girls consist of French-born, South African raised sisters Noemie Debray (Mie) on guitar and vocals and Camille Debray (Mille) on bass guitar and vocals. The siblings began their music career as child street performers at ages 8 and 9, roaming the streets of Cape Town singing whilst selling handmade soap for charity, earning the name The Soap Girls. Over recent years their raw and energetic live shows have earned them a reputation for being South Africa’s wildest band and with a current tour running under the banner of the Don’t Give A Damn Tour, I would not dare to argue against that. “

So, back to the gig – super solid, tight and keeping the packed out audience on the edge of there shoes , not knowing what is coming next … the energy ,.. from the start with "Johnny Rotten" absolutely wakes up the now bouyant audience following the fantastic warm up artists Army of Skanks & Tokyo Honey Trap – flowing nicely into "Wasted" , "Promise You" before absolutely annihilating the gig with the song “Psycho” .. a personal favourite .. pop meets / rooooooar !!

… in all .. a lot more could be said – but I just think that you should just go and experience the pretty unique sound and fun that the band bring to the venue … and based on the Instagram livestreams .. they like a bottle of Jack too ..

and lastly , I have to say that they are both so lovely and appreciative of the support throughout the UK, and special mention to Sam behind the scenes and the ever naked drummer whose name escapes my mind , unlike his manhood which is ever etched into my brain ( thanks ffs!!)

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